Wenn Unternehmen aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen Arbeitszeiten vorrübergehend verringern und Kurzarbeit beantragen, zahlt die Arbeitsagentur für Arbeit Kurzarbeitergeld. Um festzustellen, welche Einsparungen in Ihrem Betrieb möglich sind, und einzelne Kurzarbeits-Szenarien zu berechnen, bieten wir kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen mit der kostenlosen M2 Kurzarbeitergeld-App, eine leicht verständliche und schnell einsetzbare Lösung. Berechnen Sie individuell, für bis zu 500 Mitarbeiter gleichzeitig, die zu erwartenden Kurzarbeitsgehälter und analysieren Sie die Auswirkungen auf das gesamte Unternehmen unverzüglich.

Watch this webinar on demand

If you’re like most supply chain professionals, you struggle with inventory management and optimization. You often wonder why you have so much inventory (safety stock, cycle stock, in-transit) and what you should do with it all — which begs the question, what parts of the supply chain machine are causing these inefficiencies and inconsistencies?

Watch this webinar by Amway's senior business intelligence analyst, Casey Koopmans, as he shares how his team uses analytics to create resiliency within their supply chain. With advanced analytics, Casey and his team can strategically reduce safety stock and identify which items at which locations and times are at the highest risk of stockout.

Watch this webinar to learn how to:

  • Connect all your data in one place + store millions of records efficiently to up-level your analytics
  • Automate your inventory management process with Analytic Process Automation, saving time and money
  • Predict and plan for product stockouts to meet consumer demand

Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your inventory management. Watch now.



Casey Koopmans
Sr. Business Intelligence Analyst
Anne-Queline Keller
Solutions Marketing Director

"Alteryx est intuitif et interactif ... a pris moins de 60 secondes pour obtenir la même sortie qui a pris des heures auparavant."
David Algranati
SVP Innovation produit et recherche personnalisée chez Rentrak

Clients Alteryx
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Wednesday, March 20 2019
10:00 - 11:00 PST It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout distracted by the readable content layout distracted by the readable content of a page. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page: It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page
Introduction to Alteryx
19 March 2019
11:00 – 12:00 SAST
Join this Alteryx webinar series as we take a deep dive into how self-service analytics, combined with a complete end-to-end platform, can revolutionise how Standard Bank analysts can use data to gain valuable insights. Walk away knowing how the right platform can help you put intuitive workflows to use for data blending and advanced analytics that lead to deeper insights in hours, not weeks.
Introduction to Alteryx
19 March 2019
11:00 – 12:00 SAST
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Out of This World Analytics—Spatial, Demographic, Predictive
Analytics doesn't stop at a clean, blended dataset and neither do we. We help data scientists and citizen users alike create powerful statistical, predictive, prescriptive, and spatial models—now you can too.
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Out of This World Analytics—Spatial, Demographic, Predictive
Analytics doesn't stop at a clean, blended dataset and neither do we. We help data scientists and citizen users alike create powerful statistical, predictive, prescriptive, and spatial models—now you can too.
Training Material